EL3-En 2023 Enneagram of Transformation (English)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Explore the transformational and transpersonal aspects of the Enneagram model, including mindfulness practices, developmental levels, and spiritual exploration, in this advanced level. Prior knowledge of your Enneagram type is required for enrollment
EL3-Ar 2023 انياجرام الارتقاء - اللغة العربية
CourseExplore the transformational and transpersonal aspects of the Enneagram model, including mindfulness practices, developmental levels, and spiritual exploration, in this advanced level. Prior knowledge of your Enneagram type is required for enrollment
EL1-Ar September 2023 انياجرام الشخصية - اللغة العربية
CourseThe "Enneagram of Personality" Diploma takes the participants on a deep dive into the heart of the Enneagram. The participant is introduced to the Enneagram through the cognitive, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the type structure.
CC3-Ar 2023 Conscious Relationship Coaching
CourseConscious Relationship Coaching introduces methodologies and tools for coaching relationships using the Enneagram, Stages of the Heart, Stages of the Mind, and the Integral model components.
SL2 Stages of Intimacy
CourseWith Dr. Frederik Coene
IL2-En 2023 Stages of the Heart (English)
CourseStages of the Heart, with Dr. Khaled ElSherbini. The course presents the human psycho-spiritual journey through Sufi, Eastern, and transpersonal psychology perspectives.