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    1. 2024-02 Part 1 - The Sacred Patterns of Being Human

    2. 2024-02 Part 2 - ReST Framework (Reflective Systems Thinking)

    3. 2024-03 Part 3 - Applying the ReST Framework

    1. S0 - Introduction

    2. S1 Pre-Islamic Arabia

    3. S2 Life of the Prophet

    4. S3 History of Sufism

    5. S4 The Golden Age

    6. S5 Part 1 The Spread of Sufism

    7. S5 Part 2 The Ottoman Era

    8. S5 Part 3 Modern Times

    9. S6 Essential Pillars of Sufi Practice

    10. S7 Tawheed

    11. S8 Interpretations of Tawheed

    1. Marcus Aurelius Meditations - Part 1

    2. Marcus Aurelius Meditations - Part 2

    1. 2023-03 The Role of the Teacher (Part 1)

    2. 2023-03 Challenges of having a Teacher (Part 2)

    3. 2023-03 Requirements of Teacher and Student (Part 3)

    1. 2024-01 IEA Egypt Keynote - Navigating the Sacred Patterns of Being Human

    2. 2023-02 Resilience & the Enneagram

    3. 2023-01 Practices of New Year Resolutions

    4. 2022-12 The Heart of the Enneagram

    5. 2022-11 Nine Dimensions of Consciousness

    6. 2022-05 IEC Conference Keynote Speech - Stages of the Heart: The Enneagram Types Waking Up (Part 1)

    7. 2022-05 IEC Conference Session - Stages of the Heart: The Enneagram Types Waking Up (Part 2)

    8. 2021-12 Enneagram Global Summit - The Enneagram as Doorways From and to the Source of Ourselves and Life in the Three Abrahamic Faiths

    9. 2021-12 Enneagram Global Summit - Insight and Essential Clarity: The Journey For, Of, and With Point 5

    10. 2021-11 Enneagram in Relationships with Mickey and Emma

    11. 2021-05 IEC Conference - Stages of the Mind: The Enneagram Types Growing Up

    12. 2020-10 IRFG Q&A Session with Martin Ucik

    13. 2020-09 IRFG Integral Relationships with Martin Ucik

    14. 2020-01 Integral Relationships Intensive Session

    15. 2019-10 IEQ Conference Cape Town - Understanding the Self through the 99 Names of the Divine

    16. 2018-06 Enneagram Global Summit - The Sufi Attributes of Divinity and the Enneagram (AUDIO)

About this course

  • $20.00 / month
  • 81 lessons
  • 106.5 hours of video content