program by Dr. Khaled ElSherbini



EE teacher and trainer, IEA Accredited Professional. 

Awaken through Enneagram by Dr. Khaled ElSherbini, the elementary program, takes you on a profound awakening and transformational journey through the Enneagram model.

The "Awaken through Enneagram" program is a complete psycho-spiritual journey of awakening and transformation through the Enneagram, with a complete set of psychological, spiritual, and transformational tools. Hundreds of people have gone through the complete program to date, discovering new depths within themselves, transforming their lives and relationships, and becoming beacons of consciousness and light for those around them.

The program consists of three Levels (3 Modules in each Level):

EL1 - Enneagram of Personality (click for more information)

EL2 - Enneagram of Psychology (click for more information)

EL3 - Enneagram of Transformation (click for more information)

Each level consists of three 20-hour Modules in in-person group sessions.

Each level separately provides a successful completion diploma, while finishing the three Levels provides a "Certified Enneagram Practitioner" degree.

All Levels are accredited by the International Enneagram Association and provide 60 points towards IEA accreditation, while the entire program certification provides 180 points.

Know Your Teacher


Hoda Mahgoub is an Accredited Professional from the International Enneagram Association (IEA).

Hoda Mahgoub is a Master Coach who completed the ICI (The International Association of Coaching  Institutes, Germany) certified program in Egypt. She has also completed an INLPTA (The International NLP Trainer Association) Master Practitioner Training in the Art and Science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

She started her learning journey in 2007 by studying Islamic Studies for five years. She then took Parenting courses that helped her deeply through the challenges of being a single mum of three. She then took Coaching certifications and, finally, her Enneagram practitioner and Integral Enneagram certifications.

Hoda’s passion is to serve people by awakening the healing impulse already within them. She believes that every human being is created with ALL resources within.

She has a special passion for the Enneagram as an awakening tool. She believes that Enneagram awakens this healing impulse within. After her own journey of self-discovery through the Enneagram, she is now a Certified Enneagram practitioner from Enneagram Egypt school.



Payment and Enrollment

Enneagram of Personality

Level 1 of "Awaken Through Enneagram" program

  • $115.00

    Regular Price per Module

  • $310.00

    Regular Price per 3 Modules


Enneagram of Psychology

Level 2 of "Awaken Through Enneagram" program

  • $115.00

    Regular Price per Module

  • $310.00

    Regular Price per 3 Modules


Enneagram of Transformation

Level 3 of "Awaken Through Enneagram" program

  • $115.00

    Regular Price per Module

  • $310.00

    Regular Price per 3 Modules
