Level 1: Stages of Love
Love is the vector leading us to personal developmental growth, but what is Love, and how do we love?
During this four-day in-person workshop in Cairo, we will look at different types and Stages Of Love through the lens of ancient wisdom and modern psychology and philosophy. We’ll also discover how and why loving our parents is the best way to ensure we don’t repeat their mistakes, and loving our kids is the best way to ensure they don’t repeat ours.
Equally important, we’ll be guided through the peculiarities of types of Love - Eros, Mania, Ludus, Pragma, Storge, and Agape in analyzing our relationship with our spouse.
Jointly we explore how our Enneagram Type and instinctual stacking relate to the idea and perception of Love. Finally, participants will learn how to find pathways for greater relationship satisfaction by looking at concrete day-to-day examples.
During the last day, we will explore the topic of physical intimacy, which will form the foundation for Module 2.

Level 2: Stages of Intimacy
Unresolved issues and trauma hinder the growth of our relationships. Working ourselves through the areas, we feel confident about is easy. Still, processing topics that are taboo or uncomfortable to talk about is the real key to transforming these relationships.
Physical intimacy tends to be a complex matter for most people in the 21st century, so it deserves even more attention than other aspects of marital life.
During this 12-week online course, participants will watch pre-recorded video lessons at their convenience. In addition, there will be a live online discussion session every week to ask questions, go deeper into some of the video material of the week, and put the teachings into the context of your relationships.
These sessions will be recorded and available for further review. On top of that, weekly voluntary online support and discussion sessions – not recorded – will allow for an open discussion and processing of personal stories in a safe environment.
Participation in this module is conditional on participation in the in-person workshop of module 1 or those who attended the workshop of Dr. Coene in January 2022.

Level 3: Creating Healthy Relationships
During this four-day practical workshop, participants who attended Modules 1 + 2 will work on three objectives:
- Integrating the theoretical knowledge into the daily practice of their personal life;
- Learning how to use the knowledge for one’s teaching programs;
- Understanding how to apply this knowledge in coaching sessions.