Instructor: Dr. Khaled ElSherbini

مقامات القلب

محاضرات مسجلة - اللغة العربية

Stages of the Heart is an integrated framework of the human psycho-spiritual journey that unifies numerous Sufi, Eastern, and modern Western models of enlightenment and awakening. The framework provides a unique approach to understanding the human self and the stages it goes through on its journey of purification and illumination of the heart.

The workshop introduces the Stages of the Heart model through teachings, meditations, and exercises. By revealing the different models of consciousness and discovering techniques for growth and development, the workshop is meant to create a psychoactive effect that will open the heart to the higher levels of consciousness and assist in ascending and evolving towards greater wholeness of being.

The first half of the course presents the "Stages of the Heart" model and its stages. While the second half maps the journey of the 9 Enneagram types as they ascend the stages from multiplicity to unity and wholeness 

These are prerecorded sessions for watching at your own pace.

These courses do not provide a completion diploma or certificate due to accreditation regulations.

Course curriculum

    1. Maps of Consciousness

    2. Attractor fields

    3. Session 1 slides

    1. The Journey

    2. Meditation

    3. Session 2 slides

    1. Review

    2. From Unity to Multiplicity

    3. Realms of Being

    4. Great Chain of Being

    5. Session 3 slides

    1. Theory of Shadows

    2. States of Consciousness

    3. States Meditation

    4. The Hearts

    5. Session 4 slides

    1. Understanding the states

    2. The three eyes

    3. From Multiplicity to Unity

    4. Session 5 slides

About this course

  • $449.00
  • 63 lessons
  • 39.5 hours of video content

Registering for this course provides one full year of access to all the recordings, exercises, slides, community pages, and discussion forums.

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