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Starting Date: January 23rd, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Cairo Time
Duration of the Level: 12 live sessions every Monday & Thursday 

Session 1: January 23rd Monday
Session 2: January 26th Thursday
Session 3: January 30th Monday
Session 4: February 2nd Thursday
Session 5: February 6th Monday
Session 6: February 9th Thursday
Session 7: February 13th Monday
Session 8: February 16th Thursday
Session 9: March 6th Monday
Session 10: March 9th Thursday
Session 11: March 13th Monday
Session 12: March 16th Thursday

Instructor: Dr. Khaled ElSherbini

Course starts January 16th, 2023

Senior Instructor Dr. Khaled ElSherbini

Meet Dr Khaled ElSherbini, a renowned trainer and author of the "AWAKEN THROUGH ENNEAGRAM" program. He is also the founder and chairman of "Enneagram Egypt," the largest IEA-accredited Enneagram school in North Africa and the Middle East. Apart from that, Dr ElSherbini also founded The Consciousness Academy, an institution that focuses on human development and spiritual transformation. With his IEA Accredited Enneagram Professional status, he established three IEA Accredited Training programs provided by Enneagram Egypt. Additionally, he is a Spiral Dynamics Integral accredited professional by the SDi founder Don Beck through ValueMatch. Dr ElSherbini has over 1000 hours of coaching practice and is a PCC ICF accredited coach. He is one of the most experienced Enneagram trainers in the Middle East, having started teaching Enneagram in 2016. He has conducted over 60 Enneagram Practitioner Certification Courses, workshops, and stand-alone training sessions, helping thousands of individuals to apply this knowledge to their self-development, coaching, and business goals. Thanks to Dr Khaled's work, many Enneagram trainers spread across the globe received their knowledge from him. To learn more about Dr Khaled ElSherbini, please visit

Registering for this course provides one full year of access to all the recordings, exercises, slides, community pages, and discussion forums.

CC1 Essential Coaching

Live sessions, in Arabic

This is the first module in the conscious coaching program. This module covers the basic principles and the core competencies of coaching, with emphasis on presence and self-awareness. 

The course prepares you for a basic capacity for one-to-one coaching with an emphasis on presence and consciousness transformation.

In this diploma, the participant will learn about:

  • What is Coaching
  • Coaching core competencies
  • Essential coaching principles
  • Embodying a coaching mindset
  • Ethical practice
  • Establishing the coaching agreements
  • Cultivating the coaching relationship
  • Maintaining trust and confidence 
  • Creating a safe environment for coaching
  • Mindfulness and presence in coaching
  • Effective communication practices
  • Non-judgmental attentiveness and awareness
  • Inquisitiveness and managing progress and development
  • Facilitating growth and transformation

Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction

    2. Course Assistants

    3. Why Coaching

    4. What is Coaching

    5. Discussion

    6. Session 1 slides

    7. Session 1 slides (Arabic)

    1. Coaching vs other practices

    2. Discussion

    3. Levels of Development

    4. Discussion

    5. History of Coaching

    6. Discussion

    7. The Coach Metaphor

    8. The Socratic Method and Demo

    9. Discussion pre-exercise

    10. Discussion post-exercise

    11. Session 2

    12. Session 2 slides (Arabic)

    1. Philosophy and References

    2. Discussion

    3. Certification vs Accreditation

    4. Discussion

    5. GROW Model

    6. Discussion

    7. Exercise on Grow

    8. Discussion on Exercise

    9. Session 3 slides

    10. Session 3 slides (Arabic)

    1. Discussion

    2. Course Homework

    3. Homework Discussion

    4. Well-Formed Outcomes

    5. Discussions

    6. Exercise

    7. Discussion on Exercise

    8. Session 4 slides

    9. Session 4 slides (Arabic)

    10. ICF Client Coaching Log Template

    1. Discussion

    2. ICF Standards

    3. Important Links

    4. Discussion

    5. Types of Coaching Questions

    6. Discussion

    7. Examples of Coaching Questions

    8. Coaching Session Process

    9. Discussion

    10. Exercise

    11. Groups for Exercise

    12. Session 5 slides

    13. Session 5 slides (Arabic)

About this course

  • $749.00
  • 133 lessons
  • 45 hours of video content

Register Now

Registering for this course provides one full year of access to all the recordings, exercises, slides, community pages, and discussion forums.