EL1 - Part 2 - Instincts & Subtypes

English - Prerecorded Series


This course covers the following topics

  • Introduction to the Instincts
  • The Instincts
    • Self-Preservation Instinct
    • Sexual Instinct
    • Social Instinct

  • The Subtypes of all 9 types
  • Type Panels

This is part 2 of Level 1 of the AWAKEN THROUGH ENNEAGRAM program.

The course contains over 15 hours of video, in addition to exercises, references, and further study.

These are prerecorded sessions for watching at your own pace.

These courses do not provide a completion diploma or certificate due to accreditation regulations.

This course is in English.

EL1 - Part 1 - Prerecorded - The Enneagram

Instructor: Dr. Khaled ElSherbini

Course curriculum

    1. Review

    2. Instincts part 1

    3. Instincts part 2

    4. Session 1 slides

    5. Exercise: Instincts in conflicts

    6. Exercise: Instincts in your daily life

    1. Review

    2. Sp Instinct

    3. Exercise: Sp Instinct

    4. Sx Instinct

    5. Exercise: Sx Instinct

    6. So Instinct

    7. Exercise: So Instinct

    8. Working with the Instincts

    9. Exercise: Working on the Blind Instinct

    10. Session 2 slides

    1. Instinctual map

    2. Type 5 Subtypes

    3. Panel - Type 5

    4. Type 6 subtypes

    5. Panel - Type 6

    6. Type 7 subtypes

    7. Panel - Type 7

    8. Session 3 slides

    1. Type 8 subtypes

    2. Panel - Type 8

    3. Type 9 subtypes

    4. Panel - Type 9

    5. Type 1 subtypes

    6. Panel - Type 1

    7. Session 4 slides

    1. Type 2 subtypes

    2. Panel - Type 2

    3. Type 3 subtypes

    4. Panel - Type 3

    5. Type 4 subtypes

    6. Panel - Type 4

    7. Session 5 slides

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 15.5 hours of video content

Registering for this course provides one full year of access to all the recordings, exercises, slides, community pages, and discussion forums.