CC2-Ar 2023 Coaching & Typing with the Enneagram
Course -
CC1-Ar 2023 Essential Coaching
CourseCC1 covers the basic principles and the core competencies of coaching, with emphasis on presence and self-awareness. The course prepares you for a basic capacity for one-to-one coaching with an emphasis on presence and consciousness transformation.
Value Match
IL2 - Stages of the Heart (English) - Prerecorded
CourseStages of the Heart, with Dr. Khaled ElSherbini. The course presents the human psycho-spiritual journey through Sufi, Eastern, and transpersonal psychology perspectives.
IL2 - مقامات القلب - مسجل
CourseStages of the Heart, with Dr. Khaled ElSherbini. The course presents the human psycho-spiritual journey through Sufi, Eastern, and transpersonal psychology perspectives.
EL2 - Enneagram of Psychology (English) - Prerecorded
CourseThis unique level takes us deep into the psychological dimension of the Enneagram. We look at the core Inner child structure, the ego, and the shadows of each type, and how these create our worldview and exasperate our suffering when not conscious.